What We Do

What We Do

What We Do

What We Do

HopeWorks offers a variety of high-quality, nationally-recognized programs designed to address the complex challenges people who are experiencing homelessness often face.
HopeWorks offers a variety of high-quality, nationally-recognized programs designed to address the complex challenges people who are experiencing homelessness often face.

Our Approach

While organizing what we do at HopeWorks into concrete categories is useful, our work is fluid, moving between categories, and even shape-shifting. Drawing from the work of Adrienne Marie Brown on Emergent Strategy, our efforts are rooted in concepts such as change is constant, not being satisfied with the status quo, and shared responsibility and collective action for addressing societal challenges. As such, please consider the categories below with this in mind.

Our Approach

Seating area in the Psycho-Social Rehabilitation program area at Hope Village. Bright yellow walls.
While organizing what we do at HopeWorks into concrete categories is useful, our work is fluid, moving between categories, and even shape-shifting. Drawing from the work of adrienne marie brown on Emergent Strategy, our efforts are rooted in concepts such as change is constant, not being satisfied with the status quo, and shared responsibility and collective action for addressing societal challenges. As such, please consider the categories below with this in mind.

Behavioral and Mental Health

At HopeWorks, skilled practitioners provide myriad services, including outpatient individual and group therapy, groups, medication prescription and management, and psychosocial rehabilitation and case management services. As a Community Mental Health Center, HopeWorks can provide these services to anyone, regardless of their housing situation or insurance status.

Papel Picado – Colorful papers hanging in the office at Dismas House. Papers are emblazoned with messages of peace and love.
Papel Picado – Colorful papers hanging in the office at Dismas House. Papers are emblazoned with messages of peace and love.

Behavioral and Mental Health

Behavioral and Mental Health

At HopeWorks, skilled practitioners provide myriad services, including outpatient individual and group therapy, groups, medication prescription and management, and psychosocial rehabilitation and case management services. As a Community Mental Health Center, HopeWorks can provide these services to anyone, regardless of their housing situation or insurance status.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

The ACT program provides individualized, comprehensive psychiatric services as well as coordinated care for medical issues with nursing support for routine health maintenance. Utilizing a mobile, trans-disciplinary team, the ACT program shares client caseloads and delivers services in the community, wherever a client needs them. ACT also provides individualized comprehensive psychiatric and addiction medicine services, as well as coordination for primary care management of medical issues with nursing support for routine health maintenance.

Dismas House

Dismas House is a six-month prison reentry program for men exiting prison who struggle with addiction and mental health. Participants engage in individual and group therapy, prescriber services, case management, and community events. This program focuses on innovation, independence, creativity, socialization, and healing. Clients may also participate in one year of aftercare to support a successful transition into the community. The goal of Dismas House is to provide the support and living experience that clients need to successfully build a life outside of prison.

Outpatient Psychiatric Services

HopeWorks has two nurse practitioners who offer medication management to HopeWorks clients and the general public. We work with clients on Medicaid & Medicare and also offer a sliding scale for those without insurance or with private insurance. Short wait lists and caring staff mean that these services are accessible to anyone. Staff supports clients with a wide range of services, including counseling, mental health diagnoses, help with addiction, and medication prescriptions. Suboxone services are open to clients who are enrolled in programming at HopeWorks.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR)

The Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) Program promotes a variety of experiences, opportunities, and education to help members achieve personal recovery and wellness. One of only two such programs in Albuquerque, PSR aims to provide support, education, and guidance for people with mental illness and their families. This program enables our clients to reintegrate back into society through social, wellness, and recovery activities. Activities range from helping with therapy and medications, counseling, social/community outings, social and peer-to-peer support, training, and more.


HopeWorks employs a highly-skilled outpatient clinical team who provide individual and group therapy, crisis intervention, and addiction counseling to clients. Staff treat a broad array of mental health diagnoses, including:

  • PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Other Psychotic Disorders
  • Personality Disorders.

Practitioners prioritize client-centered, trauma-informed care. Individual therapy modalities include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  • Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
  • Brain Spotting
  • EMDR
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Several groups are offered each week, covering topics such as Substance Use/Recovery, Anger Management, Trauma, Anxiety and Emotion Regulation. Our Treat First program streamlines screening and intake for clients with urgent needs to be able to receive therapy and/or case management within a few days, sometimes within hours, of walking through our door.

A multicolored fence mural reads “forgiveness”. This fence was painted by former HopeWorks clients.

Case Management

Comprehensive Recovery Team (CRT)

This program provides wraparound services to those experiencing serious mental illness and co-occurring substance use. Most individuals entering CRT are experiencing homelessness or are precariously housed. CRT provides Comprehensive Community Support Services (CCSS), and each client is assigned to a Community Support Worker (CSW) who assists them in addressing and accomplishing their goals. CRT clients also have access to therapy, Outpatient Psychiatric services, group therapy, Psycho-Social Rehabilitation (PSR), and medication management.
A multicolored fence mural reads “forgiveness”. This fence was painted by former HopeWorks clients.

Case Management

Case Management

Comprehensive Recovery Team (CRT)

This program provides wraparound services to those experiencing serious mental illness and co-occurring substance use. Most individuals entering CRT are experiencing homelessness or are precariously housed. CRT provides Comprehensive Community Support Services (CCSS), and each client is assigned to a Community Support Worker (CSW) who assists them in addressing and accomplishing their goals. CRT clients also have access to therapy, Outpatient Psychiatric services, group therapy, Psycho-Social Rehabilitation (PSR), and medication management.

Day Shelter

The Susan B. Sager Day Shelter provides a safe place for individuals experiencing homelessness to rest, receive meals, clothing, showers, storage, mail, and more – all while engaging in a community setting. The Day Shelter’s Director, a trained therapist, serves as a clinical presence; over 5,000 clients per year have the support of a staff person with clinical focus and skills, helping bring Behavioral Health best practices to day-to-day operations. Additionally, the Day Shelter also has onsite Outreach staff engaging in “in-reach;” that is, supporting clients onsite with screening and referrals, as well as helping connect clients with additional services across the agency, including housing and other supports.
Donations of towels and other home goods in paper bags being loaded off of a pickup truck.

Day Shelter

Day Shelter

The Susan B. Sager Day Shelter provides a safe place for individuals experiencing homelessness to rest, receive meals, clothing, showers, storage, mail, and more – all while engaging in a community setting. The Day Shelter’s Director, a trained therapist, serves as a clinical presence; over 5,000 clients per year have the support of a staff person with clinical focus and skills, helping bring Behavioral Health best practices to day-to-day operations. Additionally, the Day Shelter also has onsite Outreach staff engaging in “in-reach;” that is, supporting clients onsite with screening and referrals, as well as helping connect clients with additional services across the agency, including housing and other supports.



HopeWorks’ Housing Division currently operates eight housing programs, ranging from transitional living to rapid re-housing for families (Hope Found) to permanent supportive housing, depending on the needs of clients. Clients must be referred by either the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness (NMCEH) through the Coordinated Entry System (CES) or from a referral partner agency in the community, depending on which program they are interested in.



HopeWorks’ Housing Division currently operates eight housing programs, ranging from transitional living to rapid re-housing for families (Hope Found) to permanent supportive housing, depending on the needs of clients. Clients must be referred by either the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness (NMCEH) through the Coordinated Entry System (CES) or from a referral partner agency in the community, depending on which program they are interested in.


As the Linkages provider for the State of NM, HopeWorks provides rental assistance for individuals with a serious mental illness diagnosis who are also homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless. Housing specialists and case managers work together to meet a client’s immediate housing needs and to provide supportive services such as case management and mental health care.

Hope Village

Hope Village is the first newly constructed, single-site, permanent supportive housing project in New Mexico, providing permanent housing for 42 of our unsheltered neighbors with a mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder who have experienced chronic homelessness.

The first residents moved into Hope Village in early February 2022. Hope Village supports residents in finding healing through wraparound care including: 24/7 staff support, onsite mental and behavioral health services, and a safe, stable housing unit thoughtfully designed with trauma-informed architecture to maximize the feelings of safety needed to heal. This venture represents a unique and bold collaboration between HopeWorks, The City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, the National Housing Trust Fund, and Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) as well as YES Housing, Mullen Heller Architects, and Consensus Planning.

Stairs leading from the first floor of Hope Village to the second floor.
Stairs leading from the first floor of Hope Village to the second floor.

Hope Village

Hope Village

Hope Village is the first newly constructed, single-site, permanent supportive housing project in New Mexico, providing permanent housing for 42 of our unsheltered neighbors with a mental, emotional, or behavioral disorder who have experienced chronic homelessness.

The first residents moved into Hope Village in early February 2022. Hope Village supports residents in finding healing through wraparound care including: 24/7 staff support, onsite mental and behavioral health services, and a safe, stable housing unit thoughtfully designed with trauma-informed architecture to maximize the feelings of safety needed to heal. This venture represents a unique and bold collaboration between HopeWorks, The City of Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, the National Housing Trust Fund, and Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) as well as YES Housing, Mullen Heller Architects, and Consensus Planning.